The 4 Buckets of Health Insurance

Schedule an appointment with your very own Great Health Agent!

ACA (Obamacare)


  • Cover 10 essential health benefits

  • Allow pre-existing conditions

  • Recognizable brand names

  • in "theory" cover catastrophic claims


  • $8,700 deductible can be common

  • Require out-of-pocket $ first

  • Limited Options

Short Term Medical


  • More affordable than ACA plans

  • Familiar structure to ACA plans

  • Can be effective "bridge" coverage

  • Variety of carrier & plan options


  • Need to qualify based on health

  • Written for short periods

  • Not all states allow them

Christian Health Share Ministry


  • Have look and feel of ACA plans

  • More affordable than ACA plans

  • Sense of community, faith based

  • Variety of carriers and options


  • Health sharing, not insurance

  • Claim coverage not guaranteed

  • Need to qualify based on health

  • Find the right organization



  • Pay first dollar benefits

  • Affordability & Stability of premiums

  • Great flexibility in doctors

  • "Excess Indemnity Paid"


  • Need to be fairly healthy

  • Unfamiliar structure to some

  • Be engaged consumer

  • Carrier Selection Critical

Schedule an appointment with your very own Great Health Agent!

Brand Name Drug Real Example

Same Drug but Generic

Schedule an appointment with your very own Great Health Agent!

Schedule an appointment with your very own Great Health Agent!