Asa Shalom Agency

Home of the Great Health Agent!

Here is the problem

If you do not know how to use your health insurance properly, it does not matter what health insurance you buy. The result is the same, you are not going to like your insurance. 

If you do not know how to use your health insurance properly then it does not matter if you have ACA (Obama Care), Short Term Medical, a Christian Health Share Ministry, or something else, you will probably hate it.

 Unfortunately most health insurance agents just get the sale and move on. When was the last time you talked to yours? Did they tell you to contact them when you use your insurance so that they can help you? 

The solution is a Great Health Agent!

What is a great health agent?

A great health agent has multiple insurance carriers they work with so they can get you the best health insurance based on your budget, location, and health needs.

A great health agent educates you on how to actually use your insurance, so that you can manage your health care.

A great health agent asks you to contact them when a health issue comes up so that they can help you navigate the pitfalls of the health care industry. Let's face it, the health care industry can be difficult terrain to negotiate alone.

What are you waiting for? Set up an appointment so you too can relax knowing you have a Great Health Agent on your side!

505 605-5660